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Helpful Deodorant Tube Use Instructions

The bottom of your deodorant tube has a paper wafer or base. To get this moving upwards evenly, gently work thumb around the outside of the tube to release any suction caused during production. Then push this straight up the middle to move deodorant out of the tube.  There is not a lot of lid clearance so be sure to only push up slightly so a small amount comes up at a time. 

PRO TIP: If you find it difficult to push up, you can prop a flat object that will fit inside the tube on the counter (slightly smaller in circumference than the base plate).  Put your deodorant over this and press down.  This will help push the deodorant up evenly. 

A little effort = Less plastic:  All good things in life take effort.  There is a small learning curve to master a paper tube, but once you get the hang of it – it is quite easy.  We are all learning new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and reduce single-use plastics! 

NakeDeodorant – Good for you and Good for the Planet!